Firewatch ending
Firewatch ending

firewatch ending

Find meticulous assessment and transcripts of our characters, in a place with tons of expensive equipment. We hear a strange signal by the lake, find that walkie-talkie from the research site, get knocked out. Their tent gets ripped apart and they leave behind lots of their stuff. We start the game off finding these teenage girls. But it feels like the plot - what actually happens in the game, outside of the interactions between and backstories of Delilah and Henry - was all build-up and no payoff.

firewatch ending

I honestly kind of expected that would happen. So, I've just made it through, and while the journey was a beautiful one - Delilah is a fantastic character, so is Henry, the environments are beautiful, the story is intriguing and emotional - the ending kind of fell completely flat for me. For comments write (/spoiler), like this: This is a spoilerīig thanks to /u/Pineapple_Plague for making the snoo and /u/garg0 for making the artwork displayed on the sidebar!.If your link contains spoilers, assign a spoiler flair with the flair button.No low-effort or clickbait style posts.If the thumbnail contains spoilers please mark it as NSFW.In Firewatch you’ll explore a wild and unknown environment, facing questions and making interpersonal choices that can build or destroy the only meaningful relationship you have. It is a bit of a slow burn and in all honesty, the gameplay is nothing to shout about, but I will say it does what it does well and serves as a good way to move the story along.Firewatch is a single player first person game in production being developed by indie studio, Campo Santo.The game is currently released for PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch.

firewatch ending

You also communicate with Delilah via your walkie talkie as well. You control Henry and you walk around looking for items, clues, and things to interact with. Ok, so the story is good, but what about the gameplay of Firewatch? This is a first-person adventure game. Now, I will admit I feel the setup is far, far better than the ending we get, but it still was a solid experience and when the credits rolled, I was not exactly disappointed. Be it some kind of spirit haunting the woods, an ancient creature, or maybe the people in that government lab were messing with something that got out? There are a million things that run through your mind as the mystery of the game unfolds before you and that was something I really did like.

firewatch ending

The thing is, I kept expecting Firewatch to throw some kind of supernatural twist my way. Add to this the disappearance of a guy and his son who worked here before you and the finding of what looks like a government research lab and you have all the ingredients for an episode of The X-Files! All In Your Mind

Firewatch ending series#

A meeting with some teenage girls setting off fireworks starts a series of events that have you questioning if there is some kind of supernatural element to what is going on here. This is not a horror game by any means, but I think the game does a great job of making you feel uneasy and unsure about what is going on. He communicates with his supervisor Delilah and you get to shape the way the conversation goes. The game takes place in Wyoming in the late 80s and we play as a guy called Henry who has taken a job working as a fire lookout in the forest. Henry The LookoutĪs Firewatch is a game that heavily relies on its story I do have to be careful about what I say here. Do not get me wrong, this is a perfectly serviceable first-person adventure game, but the story is the main reason this is worth experiencing. This is a game for those of you that enjoy more story than gameplay in your games. I remember when Firewatch came out I got so into it that I ended up playing through it all in one sitting! I pulled an all nightery as I was so invested in what was going on and needed to know what the mystery of this shadowy figure and government research lab was all about.

Firewatch ending